Monday, September 23, 2013

9/23/13 by Blair L.

Yesterday was Powder Puff Football and Iron Man Volleyball. We got third in both volleyball and football! Today is fairytale day. Aurora and Tessa both won in our class. In English class today, we started out by talking about CBL. She told us that our final solution would be due next Monday. Our journal writing for the day was our thoughts about the writing process. We also went over how to give good feedback on our Where I’m From poem. How we give our feedback is the two stars and a wish method. You write down two specific things about the writing that you liked. The wish part is what you wonder or wish the author did differently. After they showed us how we should give feedback, we had to go to our groups, and put it into action. We read the other people’s poems, and started to give them feedback on what they could do differently. Overall, today we had a successful day. 

Asking questions about CBL

Justin just has too much fun with CBL!


  1. Wow what a great piece of writing!! Great Job tufty

  2. Wow that was just beautiful Tootie!

  3. Very enjoyable piece of writing

  4. I think this brought a tear to my eye... ;(
