Thursday, October 31, 2013

Daily Blogger - Aurora

Well, it’s finally Halloween! Today, we had a test in first period science. I was worried, but it ended up being easier than I thought. In English class today, our journal subject was to change the sentences, “I think that freedom is good because it helps me do more stuff” and “I like patriotism because it makes me feel good” and give them stronger verbs. After that, we continued our diligent work with our patriotism essays’ and did peer reviewing with 2 other students. A packet was given to us to answer questions and fill out a rubric for the student you peer review for. A second student will also peer review, but they don’t have to fill out all of the packet or give you a grade. For homework tonight, you have to have your parent or another adult read your essay and sign the sheet Mrs. Morrow gave us. I put a picture of the review signature sheet below so that if you lost yours, you can print off this one. You may have already gotten this done because she gave us the sheets yesterday, but it is due tomorrow. I hope that everyone has a safe and fun time trick-or-treating tonight, and Happy Halloween!
Both peer reviewers and your parent must sign this sheet.

Your first peer review has to fill this packet out. (It is a whole packet.)

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