Tuesday, March 4, 2014


            -16 degrees, reads the thermometer. The usually norm it seems this time of year. O well I thought, no better way to warm your spirit then a Monday morning dose of English Class!
 To kick off the exhilarating 2nd period class we determined the parts of speech from this sentence, “ah depreciate other persons dinners you ministers give such splendid ones”. Yeah!... Next we got out our persuasive speech notes and had Mrs. Morrow go around and check to see that everybody completed them on time. And may they forever live a life of misery, depression, and suffering if they didn’t! After the torturing had been dealt Mrs. Morrow explained to us what a thesis statement is, (claim + three main points) and showed us some examples of it. Shortly after, at 9:30, a group of kids went to the elementary to present some 6th graders their CBL projects. As for my group’s progress, we had the privilege of haling a 30lb trash bag of paper through a parking lot in the -16 degree weather, just to watch our recycling bin drive off down the street… Don’t forget, thesis statements are due tomorrow, and may you burn in the underworld for eternity if you don’t get it done!
      There is always a sliver lining though, and this time it’s spring break. I, like many of the other students, am looking forward to a quicker end to the suffering we all endure, every single week. But wait! All of you must enjoy this long weekend, hence for some of you, the worst is yet to come! With Saint Patrick’s Day fast approaching, there also comes the fast approach of the track & field season. For some of you, this will be painful. For me, as many of you know, I disagree.
      Whether you dislike track & field, or love finding the verb’s in ancient English writing text, I think we can all agree that it sure is cold out there, and a long weekend is extremely needed.
Stay warm OHS!


1 comment:

  1. Just for the record, I would never hope that ANYONE "burns in the underworld for eternity" OR "forever lives a life of misery, depression, and suffering" for ANYTHING related to English class. A long and torturous experience with their nemesis, perhaps, but no burning or depression. Just wanted to clear that up. :-)
