Monday, May 5, 2014

Daily Blogger Nikki Gotschall

“I dreaded getting out of bed this morning because I knew today I was the Daily Blogger.” This is how my usual Daily Blogger lead would look like. This time however, I am excited. This is the last time I will ever be Daily Blogger! I’m going to make it a good one.
Today in English class, we sat down and got to work. First we did our DGP, but today we did it differently than usual. Once we filled out our DGP we compared with our table and helped each other. Then we went around by table and someone would say one of the corrections. After DGP, we started talking about our next section in English, News. We talked about what news is and what makes a story news worthy. We watched a video and answered the questions on a worksheet we got from blackboard. We learned about the nine different types of news and examples of each type. When we were done with our discussion, Mrs. Morrow started talking about another link we would go to. Shayne had to protest and say that there simply wasn’t enough time to do anymore work. Mrs. Morrow quickly went over what we were going to start tomorrow, and then the bell rang.
Well, this is my daily blogger post! I hope you enjoyed it and I hope this will help those of you who weren’t at class today. Don’t forget our assignments and for all of the students at O’Neill High, you stay classy! ;)

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