Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Nikki Gotschall Daily Blogger 2/4/14

Number seven is staring me in the eye, watching my every move. I REALLY don’t feel like taking this quiz for science. Aurora is already done with her quiz. There are 50 questions! I can’t do that! Certainly not in the morning. So here I am, just sitting in my seat waiting for this period to be over. Then I decide I better get going or Mr. Morrow may get mad. I’m on a role, pretty soon I’m on number 20 and I’m getting used to this. The bell is going to ring soon, and I need to get this done. I’m pushing the submit button and... “Brrrrrrring! That’s the bell. I walk to my English class, not knowing my quiz results. I stumble through the door, close my eyes and groan,"Dangit! I’m the daily blogger."
            Today in English class, we did a lot of things. It was pretty hectic. When I plopped down in my seat, we got started by writing in our journals. We wrote about what it would be like to not have any technology. We were supposed to write about what technology devices we use daily and what we would do differently without them. After that, we did the DGP and handed in our Hot Tips. Our Hot Tips and our Blindsight posters were due today.
            Then we started round two of the spelling bee. We had five people going head to head. They were Gabbie, Emma, Justin, Shayne, and Ehric. The top two people would go on to the final round. Ehric got fifth place, Gabbie got fourth, Shayne got third, Justin got second, and Emma won first place. Justin and Emma got to move on to the last round.

            Our assignment for today is to keep track for the next 24 hours how much we use technology. When we use any type of electronic device (ex. IPod, computer, phone, TV, video game, etc.) We have to write down what device we are using and how long we used it. For example, I may write down that I listened to music on my computer for 15 minutes. MAKE SURE YOU WRITE THIS DOWN! If you forget to write it down, Mrs. Morrow and Mrs. Troester will be very angry with you. So don’t forget! I hope everyone has a great day today and for those who were sick; I hope you get better so you can come back to school! 
Some of the spelling bee contestants (Emma, Gabbie, Ehric) 

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