Thursday, February 27, 2014

Nikki Gotschall Daily Blogger

Dang it! I woke up late again. 7:20 was on my clock and no matter how much I told myself to get out of bed, I couldn’t. I felt like pulling a Ferris Bueller. Hopelessly I fell back asleep. Then I woke up again from my mom yelling, “Nikki get up! It’s time for school!” I looked on my clock. 7:34. I needed to get up and go to school. I sprang up and ran around the house, getting all of my things together. I ran off to school just in time for first period. Mr. Morrows. Thank goodness its this one. He’s laid back and usually lets me slide when I’m a minute or two later than the other students. We got to work on our NESA practice test up until the bell.
I walked sleepily down the hall and plopped down in my chair. I opened my computer to start class, when something caught my eye. There on the white board, right underneath the daily plan, and just to the left of the smart board was the calendar. It was the daily blogger calendar, and on the day marking February 27, was my name. Crap.
Today in English class, we started off like we always do, with DGP. Today is Thursday so it’s pretty easy; we did the punctuation mistakes. After that, we went over what was due. The three sources for our persuasive speeches were due today, and we were reminded to get our calendars done.
Speaking of speeches, we got to business with our persuasive speeches. We got on our computers and went to our STUDENT NOTEBOOKS that we got off of blackboard. Now we’re learning about note taking. When you have all of your sources, you add a tab and copy-paste the chart from the “Note-taking” tab. Then you take notes below the chart.

That’s pretty much all we did in English class today. It was pretty boring, but we all managed to get through it. I’m just happy to get this daily blogger thing out of my way. For those who were not in class today, get your hide back into school. Those who were, you stay classy! ;)

My 3 sources

Persuasive speech animation

Purple Box= tab where you get the chart
Red Box= Chart that you copy paste for a book
Blue Box= tab where you put the chart and notes

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