Thursday, January 30, 2014

Daily Blogger-Mileena

English class was interesting! The teacher read the announcements and then we watched a movie called "The Blind Sight." It's about a bunch of kids who got blind either at birth or as they grew older. The people in their village thought that blind people in their past life did something horrible and that is why they are blind. So, they are outcasts just because they are blind. But, all that is going to change; yes, they still are going to be blind but, its what they can accomplish while they are blind is amazing. That is what we did in English class. In Science is a whole different story. Mr. Fernau came to Science class to talk about next year. He handed out sheets and what credits were, what classes we were interested on taking next year, etc. That is what we did today.
The BlindSight--

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