Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Daily Blogger!!! :)

            The freezing cold snuck under my covers this morning at 6:39 A.M. The horrible reminder that winter is here, and break is over. I rolled out of bed found my warmest sweater and jeans then headed for breakfast. Cereal, just like every morning with the funny shaped marshmallows. I trudged into school, and just like a normal day kids were scattering everywhere. It was just like break never happened we all jumped back into rotation just like it was a regular boring school day.
            Civics class was just as usual but we forgot the pledge again. Mr. Hesse seemed pretty enthusiastic to have all of us again. He gave us an Up Front, which is a little magazine that just tells us what’s going on in the world today. At the end of the last article we read he handed us an
assignment over what we read.
            Second period Algebra we had notes over lesson 6-1 which was just over angles and lines. That was the most uninteresting class I think so far. Ms. Kester gave us an assignment over our notes, which is due tomorrow so don’t forget.  
            English was actually really interesting; it was a great start to the New Year. We opened with getting our new daily blogger assignments, which if you can’t tell I was first on the list. Really not what I was expecting when I walked into English today. We also got our DGP, which is a new thing we are doing this year it stands for Daily Grammar Practice. I like this new change because you work with the same sentence all week. The last thing on the agenda for English was introducing the descriptive writing test we all have to take at the end of the month for the state of Nebraska. Mrs. Troester handed out a paper that had the basic outline of what you should have in your essay so you can get a fantastic grade on your test. Altogether we had a busy first day back and I hope all of you had a great New Year!
            - Gloria


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